giovedì 24 luglio 2014


Abstract:  the aim of my paper is to show that a consistent economic analysis brought to its logical conclusions should destroy any theory of property rights, and as such it is inconsistent with its own premises, and especially with the ideological presuppositions of quite all of its folloers. The suggested alternative here is a kind of “reversed” Hayek: I mean an active use of historicism and institutional analysis from a political stendpoint that is preciseply contrary to the right wing approach that has been sponsorized by Hayek.

My conclusion is then that maybe we must start afresh from the Scottish Enlightment, which founded the basis of the present analysis of ownership and ownerhip economies, following the Austrian School of Economics toward  radically very different political positions.
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mercoledì 23 luglio 2014

Judges as an "Elite": The Case of Italy


In the last decades, several factors have transformed the morphology of Italian legal system, so to create a perceptible different assess of the equilibrium among powers and formants and to mould, in a renovated way, the overall relationship between Law, Politics and Justice. The Italian judiciary (magistratura) has been re-organized along lines radically dissimilar to those followed in common law systems.
After examining all the data: the number of judges in office, the percentage of represented genders, the amount of cases and the overloading of the legal system, the aim of this paper is to show that a major characteristic of the legal professions in Italy is the almost complete lack of lateral movement among personnel. Career decisions must be made early; for example, applicants for the judiciary must be no more than thirty years of age. Promotion of judges, prosecutors, and state’s attorneys is largely dependent on seniority.
My theory is that the unwanted result of all this has been both a Judicialization of Italian Legal System and a politicization of the judiciary through the CSM as a peculiar Italian institution, re-defining the Italian Legal Style

Presented at the Proceedings of the International Academy of Comparative Law
this paper may be download at SSRN

sabato 15 febbraio 2014

The Ontology of Non Peculiary Losses

Author follows the Supreme Court evolving cases in delineating a real 'ontology' of non pecuniary losses and damages, distinguishing pure moral and physical injuries from 'existential' suffering, as a damage to the Person, and not to her Body, recoverable per se, when her fundamental rights are infringed.

L'autore condivide e apprezza l'opera di chiarificazione effettuata dalla Corte di Cassazione nel delineare le differenze ontologiche tra danno morale, biologico ed esistenziale, consentendo la risarcibilità di quest'ultimo in modo del tutto autonomo e scganciato da ogni riferimento al biologico. Si tratta non solo di un'operazione giuridicamente corretta, ma di civiltà : impedire la riduzione della Persona al suo corpo.

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Monateri on Tobacco Litigation in Italy

P.G.Monateri commenting the Italian Supreme Court decision 

Author tries to show that the case in favor of tobacco producers strict liability is very feeble,and its adoption would insulate Italian Law from world developing theories on tort law and its functions.

"L' autore non condivide il precedente di Cassazione che applica l'art. 2050 alla produzione e smercio di sigarette. Si tratta di una decisione unica nel mondo nel senso di rivolgersi alla 'strict liability' in casi regolati dalla colpa o da dolo (i punitive damages cases negli USA). 
Non vi sono ragioni per ricorrere alla responsabilità oggettiva, questa è costraria al diritto europeo, e isola l'Italia dal resto del mondo."

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mercoledì 8 gennaio 2014

Monateri on Cir vs Fininvest

L'autore contrasta la decisione della Cassazione sulla base di considerazioni generali. La principale della quali è il ritorno attuale alla pratica dello Judicare tamquan Deus dei Grandi Tribunali prima dell'avvento della modernità... more
Research Interests: 

domenica 5 gennaio 2014

Monateri and Chiaves on Italian Tort Law

A newer Book from Kluwer international

A new International book is forthcoming,
affording the whole area of Italian Tort Law in English.

Monateri and ChiavesInternational Encyclopaedia for Tort Law - National Monographs   - Italy

The book reached its 3d edition, as a classic in transitional fields;  a complete textbook in comparative law courses for Erasmus and foreign students; a useful guide for worldwide lawyering ….


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