martedì 31 dicembre 2013

In the Shadow of an Absent Law. Human Rights and Terror from Eliot to Coppola via Conrad and Brooks

"A Presentation Held at the Annual Meeting of Italian Association of Law and Literature (AIDEL) analyzing the way Coppola produces meaning through deferral giving the Human Rights content to the faceless horrors of Conrad's Kurtz, via... more

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domenica 29 dicembre 2013

Legge, Linguaggio e Costume. Lezioni Magistrali a Suor Orsola Benincasa

L'autore cerca di analizzare l'ambiguo senso dei termini legge e costume con riferimento al problema della articolazione linguistica della legge, per giungere alla considerazione controintuitiva di rivalutare i valori della 'modernità'... more...

sabato 28 dicembre 2013

Stasis in Moltmann e Schmitt

Stasis in Moltmann e Schmitt
Pier Giuseppe Monateri

NOW entered in top ten list ever for articles on Theology at


The essay introduces an original interpretation of Moltmann’s thought on Christian kenosis, according to the fundamental critical method known as ‘close reading’. On this ground, the Author brings to the surface the complex bulk of literary quotations which give substance to a specific passage in Moltmann’s work “The Crucified God”. Quotations become an intellectual device apt to produce meaning through its proper deferral and suspension. Within this framework, the Author’s main purpose is to put at the centre of the scene the explicit reference made by Moltmann to C. Schmitt’s concept of stasis, in order to explain the self-emptying of God even in a political perspective, as a kind of internal battle within divinity. The theological canon (Christian kenosis as moulded by Moltmann) is conceptually linked to the political anti-canon (stasis and exception as defined by C. Schmitt). In this perspective the structural relationship between Theology and Politics, usually epitomized by the synthetic expression of ‘political theology’, comes to be re-substantiated.

Download: COSMO, 2013, at


kenosis; stasis; Moltmann; Schmitt; political theology; close reading; interpretation; canon; anti-canon; quotation

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